作者:ahzyxb  添加时间:2007-12-30 点击次数:719
(广西大学文化与传播学院,广西 南宁  530004)
摘  要:媒介分析作为传播学研究传统的五部分内容之一,不仅是要处理媒介的内容,更主要的是要分析媒介的技术手段本身,因为在信息传播过程中,传播媒介的技术手段不只是一个技术载体,而且也是一个生产性手段,媒介本身会改变信息的数量和质量,从而创造出新的文化经验。传播学视野中的媒介分析就是要站在传播现象的旁边对它进行全局的观察,发现其中媒介技术的运作原理和力线,及其所造成的文化影响。
关键词:媒介分析; 对象; 方法
Abstract: Media Analyses,  as one of the five contents of traditional research atout communication, deals with the content of media mainly analyzing the technical method of media, for this method is not only a technical carrier in the process of information communication, and it is also a means of production. Media can create new cultural experience by changing the quantity and quality of information. In the viewpoint of theory of communication, media analyses generally observe the communication phenomena by their side,and finds the operation principles and flux lines of media technology as well as the cultural influence caused by the tethnology.
Key words: media analysis; object; method
 (皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥  230051)
摘  要:针对彩棉织物无甲醛抗皱整理的要求,文章对柠檬酸的抗皱机理进行了研究,分析了其抗皱整理中易出现的问题,并提出了相应的对策,指出柠檬酸可能成为今后最实用的“绿色”整理剂,有广阔的应用前景。
关键词:天然彩棉; 绿色抗皱整理; 柠檬酸
Abstract: In accordance with non formaldehyde crease resistant finishing of natural color cotton fabrics, the papr deals with the principal of crease resistant finishing, analyzes the possible problems in crease resistant finishing and puts forward countermeasures. It also points out that the citric acid will probably be the most practical "green" finishing and has a bright future.
Key words: natural colorcotton;"green"  crease resistant finishing;citric acid
葛  薇, 朱张青
(安徽农业大学工学院,安徽 合肥 230036)
摘  要:模糊控制(Fuzzy Control)和PID控制技术相互取长补短、相互融合而形成的模糊控制PID技术,可显著提高控制系统的品质,并已在实际系统的控制中得到了应用和验证。文章首证述了近年来出现的几种模糊PID控制器的结构和原理,并对它们各自的优点和存在的问题进行了分析和总结,对模糊PID控制技术进行了展望。
关键词:模糊控制; PID; 自适应; 神经网络
Abstract: Fuzzy PID, combined with Fuzzy Control and PID control technology, and absorbing advantages and abandon shortcomings mutually, significantly improves the control quality. It has been applied and validated in actual system control. Fuzzy PID controllers which appeare in recent years are summed up. The structure and principle of Fuzzy PID controllers are introduced and the characteristics are analyzed in the paper. Finally, its future direction of development is discussed.
Key words: fuzzy control; PID; selfadaption; NN
陈军源1,  董玉德1, 乔永红1, 汪 任2
(1.合肥工业大学 机械与汽车工程学院,安徽 合肥  230009;2合肥燕山信息技术有限公司,安徽 合肥  230009)
摘  要:随着社会的发展,加油站管理和决策要求便捷和可视化,GIS为此提供了一种很好的途径。文章对GIS在加油站管理信息系统中的应用原理、方法进行了探讨,并在此基础上实现了基于空间数据库引擎ArcSDE 的安徽省加油站管理信息系统。该系统实现了海量加油站数据的有效管理,为主管部门的决策提供了重要参考。
关键词:GIS; ArcSDE; 加油站管理系统; 应用研究
Abstract:With the development of society, the management of petrol stations  needs an efficient decision-making and visualization. GIS provides  a convient way to reach this propose.This article discusses the principles and methods of the application of GIS in petrol station management system. Based on this,the management informationization of petrol stations of Anhui is realized. With the spatial database engineArcSDE, the system manages  the great spatial data of petrol stations effectively and provides an important reference to the supervision department.
Key words:GIS;ArcSDE; petrol station management system; applied research
基于推导网络的最小执行代价Web Services自动合成算法
洪  应1,2,  刘  锋1
(1.安徽大学 计算机学院,安徽 合肥  230022; 2.皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥  230051)
摘  要:推导网络的Web Services合成是以组成推导网络三元组和Web Services模型为基础,求解出所有合成方案,对特定输出的合成方案计算执行代价,其中最小执行代价的合成方案即为该输出的最优解。
关键词:最小执行代价;推导网络;Web Services合成
Abstract:The paper points out the derivation network of web services synthesis is made up of the combination of three elements of the derivation network and the model of web services, all the programs are solved and the price of the specific output projects can be calculated, among which the best solution is he minimum price of the projects.
Key words:the minimum price; derivation network;Web services synthesis
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥  230051)
摘  要:国以民为本,党以民为基。任何执政党的根基,都在于民众的拥护和支持。巩固党的执政地位,加强党在构建和谐社会中的作用,要求我们党最大程度地反映和体现社会各个方面的利益要求,以这些利益的实现赢得执政的合法性资源,从而化解执政风险,优化执政环境,实现政治抱负。进行利益整合是提高党的执政能力、巩固党的执政地位的必然要求,也是加强党构建和谐社会的一项基础工程。
关键词:利益整合;和谐社会; 社会;矛盾
Abstract: The idea of “the root of a state is the people and the foundation of a party is the people” is the essence of any ruling party, and they must get support of the people. It is a basic rule to consolidate the party's ruling position and strengthen the role of the party in the construction of harmonious society, which requires the ruling party to bring into full play the function in reorganization of interest and to reflect the interest requirement of the whole society to the largest extent. The legal resources of the governing are from the realization of these interests, which can eliminate the hazard of ruling, to optimize the environment of governing and to realize the political amblition. The conduction of reorganization of interest is to raise the ruling abilities of the Party, the necessities of the consolidation of the Party's status and also a basic project of the construction of harmonious society by the Party.
Key words:reorganization of interest; construction; harmonious; contradiction
丁  镭
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥  230051)
摘  要:江泽民对邓小平民主和法制理论进行了继承和发展,指出“依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”是我国的治国方略,国家各项工作都应依法进行;社会主义市场经济健康有序地发展、运行,离不开依法治国;依法治国要求坚持和改善党的领导,使党在宪法和法律的范围内活动;实现依法治国还必须完善立法,加强执法,实现司法公正,加强全民法律教育。江泽民还首次提出了依法治国和以德治国相结合的思想,这是一次重大的理论创新,标志着我党的治国方略日益成熟。
Abstract:Comrade Jiang Zemin has carried on and developed Deng Xiaoping Theory of democracy and legal system, he points out that it is our statecraft to manage state affairs according to law and build a socialist country under the rule of law. The healthy and orderly development of socialist market economy depends on governing in accordance with law. To achieve governing by law, it is required to uphold and improve the Party's leadership which should be confined to the Constitution and other laws, it is also a must to perfect the legislation and to strenghen law enforcement in order to get judicial fairness and give more publicity to the legal system. Jiang Zemin is the first to put forward the thought of governing the country by combining the rule of law with the rule of virtue, this is a significant theoretical innovation, marking the maturing of our Party′s statecraft.
Key words:Jiang Zemin; Thoughts on Government by Law;theoretical innovation
李  凌
(四川大学法学院 四川 成都  610064)
摘  要:文章在澄清罪数形态区分标准的基础上,全面梳理了结合犯的立法与理论问题,初步考察了转化犯和包容犯的理论研究现状,针对两者不合逻辑与不成体系,提出扩张结合犯的结合关系以其替代转化犯与包容犯的立法构想。
关键词:罪数; 结合犯;转化犯与包容犯; 合并犯
Abstract:Based on the dividing standard of quantity for crime, the paper combs out the issue about combinative crime in the scope of legislation and theory, studies the theoretical status quo of the convertible guilty and inclusive guilty and puts forward the relationship of expanding combintive crime as well as the legisalative concepts of replacement of convertible guilty and inclusive quilgy in accordance with the existence of unlogical unsystematic relations between them.
Key words:quantity of crime; combinative  crime; conversion guilty and inclusive guilty; merger guilty
葛宏艳1,  宋马林2
(1.安徽省环境科学研究院,安徽 合肥  230061; 2.安徽财经大学统计与应用数学学院,安徽 蚌埠  233030)
摘  要:文章在对国内政治经济形势和安徽沿江区域发展现状进行分析的基础上,对安徽沿江城市之间竞争力进行对比研究。综合国内外竞争力相关理论与模型体系,从定量的角度分析评估安徽沿江城市竞争力的现状,提出安徽沿江锥型城市群战略格局,并针对存在的问题给出提升安徽沿江竞争力的政策建议。
Abstract:Based on the domestic political and economic situation and the current status of regional development along the Yangtze River in Anhui Province, this paper discusses competitiveness among these cities through comparative study. Synthesizing comprehensive competitiveness theories and model systems at home and abroad, this paper makes quantitative analysis about the current situation of the competitiveness of these cities, and proposes the cone model suitable for this case. Finally the paper presents policies and suggestions to improving their competitiveness.
Key words:urban competitiveness; data envelopment analysis; factor analysis; cone model
姚  析,  陈园媛
(上海对外贸易学院 金融学院,上海  051052)
摘  要:在日益激烈的商业银行竞争中,传统的银行信贷业务对银行的收益贡献正逐渐变小,中间业务越来越成为众多国际大银行发展的重点。面对着这一发展趋势,国内的商业银行已经意识到中间业务的重要性。正在大力发展,但同先进的国际大银行相比无论在规模还是在重视程度上我们还相距甚远。因此了解国内商业银行的现状,发现他们的不足之处,研究他们的发展趋势,对做大做强国有商业银行有着很大帮助。
Abstract:In the increasingly tough competition between commercial banks, the contribution to the banks' income has become less and less, and the intermediate business has been the priority of the development of international banks. In the face of this tendency, commercial banks at home have realized its importance and developed it vigorously. It is of great help to know the present situation of commercial banks at home, to find out their inadequacies and make research of their tendencies, if these banks will grow larger and stronger.
Key words:commercial bank; intermediate business; status quo; tendency
张  炜
(安徽大学 研究生院,安徽 合肥  230039)
摘  要:召开股东会所产生的各项会议费用应由谁来承担?对这一问题的回答直接关系着股东参与管理的积极性,进而关系着改善公司管理状况的实效性。文章从股东权的性质、股东会会议职权亦即股东权内容的具体表现、现今社会许多公司在管理方面的现状和需求等三个方面来分析了股东会会议费用的合理承但问题。
关键词:股东会会议费用; 股东权性质; 股东权内容; 现实需要
Abstract:Who has the obligation to pay the fee of the shareholders conference is an important question. The answer  has great influence on the operation of a company and the enthusiasm of the shareholders'.The paper analyzes the three aspects,which are the character of the shareholders' rights,the content of the shareholders' rights and the realistic requirements,as well as the obligation to share the fee of shareholders' conference.
Key words:fee of the shareholders'  conference;character of the rights of shareholders'; content of the rights of shareholders'; realistic requirements
(中国电子科技集团,北京  100846)
摘  要:会计报表附注作为会计报表的重要组成部分,主要是对会计报表本身无法或难以充分表达的内容和项目进行补充说明和详细解释,但它在披露过程中存在许多不规范的问题。文章针对会计报表附注信息披露的现状及存在问题进行了分析,揭示了其产生的原因及危害,并提出了解决问题的对策。
Abstract:The report annotation, an important part of the accounting report, mainly plays the role for deep understanding of the context and items of the report which is difficult to express by the report itself, but there are many irregular operations in the disclosing process. In this paper the state and existing problem of accounting report annotation are analyzed, the cause and hazard are revealed and  the solution to problems is put forward.
Key words:accounting report annotation; information disclosure; countermeasure
(福建医科大学人文学院,福建 福州  350004)
摘  要:冲动性购买行为的逐渐增加,使商家获得了更多的商机。研究冲动性购买心理,分析影响冲动性购买的主要因素,对商家把握消费者的冲动性购买心理并制定相应的营销策略具有很大的现实意义。
〖HT5”H〗中图分类号:F713.3      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2007)04004903〖HK〗〖HT〗
Abstract:Retailers get more opportunities brought up by customer's impulsive purchase behavior. It is of great importance for retailers to study the types and characteristics of the compulsive purchase and the factors affecting customer's  impulsive purchase and to analyze the possible influence and make marketing decision.
Key words:retail shop;impulsive purchase; marketing;  strategy
陆  彦
(苏州大学 外国语学院,江苏 苏州  215006)
摘  要:在英语中,本属于由动词表达的动作等概念常常会用名词、介词与名词构成的短语、弱式动词和虚化动词、形容词、副词来表达,从而使英语呈现出一幅静态的画面。与英语相比,汉语在叙述中多用动词。由于在汉语中,动词或动词词组可以担当各种成分,动词的灵活应用可以使汉语的动态性跃然纸上。既然汉语的叙述倾向于多用动词,那么在英译汉的过程中遇到原本应该由英语动词表达的动作等概念时,汉语将如何转换。文章将通过对Anthony Hope所著的《皇冠博彩》英译汉版本的分析探讨在英译汉的过程中的动静转换。
Abstract:In English, meanings which can be expressed by verbs are often expressed by nouns, prepositional noun phrases, verbs of feeble phenomenality, empty verbs, adjectives, and adverbs instead. Through the analysis of the translation of the novel The Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope, this paper will try to explore how those parts which should be expressed by verbs are dealt with when translated into Chinese.
Key words:stative; dynamic; translation
(合肥工业大学 管理学院,安徽 合肥  230009)
摘  要:文章通过对近年来我国高职院校毕业生就业情况的调查研究,分析了高职院校毕业生就业难的原因,并提出提高毕业生就业竞争力的对策措施。
关键词:高职院校;毕业生; 就业; 竞争力; 对策
Abstract:Through the investigation of the employment of graduates from vocational and technical colleges in China in recent years, the paper analyzes the reasons why it is difficult for these graduates to get employed and proposes the countermeasures to enhance their competitiveness in getting employed.
Key words:vocational and technical college; graduates; employment; difficulty; countermeasure
(合肥工业大学,安徽 合肥  230009)
摘  要:高职院校辅导员作为高校学生思想政治工作的主力军,肩负着教育育人、服务育人、管理育人的责任,其素质的高低在培养大学生成长成才的过程中占有重要的地位,因此必须加强对辅导员队伍的建设,建立完善的辅导员选拔和培养体系及考核制度和激励机制,走辅导员走专业化、职业化道路,建设一支高素质的辅导员队伍。
关键词:高职;辅导员; 队伍建设;对策
Abstract:As a main force of ideological and political education in higher vocational colleges, instructors hold high responsitilities. The quality of them plays an important role in nurturing the students so that the construction of a team of instructors must be strengthened; the selective system,the cultivation system, the appraisal system and the inspiring system be improved. A team of instructors with high quality can be estallished only by a way of specialization and professionization.
Key words:higher vocational college; instruttors; sonstruction of a team; countermeasure
刘  燕
(无锡科技职业学院 ,江苏 无锡  214000)
摘  要:高职院校作为地方经济的服务者,应该积极投身企业培训市场,加强校企合作,从而促进高职教育的培养质量,提升办学特色。但是在从事企业培训过程中还存在一系列的问题和障碍,需要经过一段时间的探索和磨合,从而提高企业培训的质量,达到双赢的效果。
关键词:高职教育; 培训; 校企合作; 质量; 思考
Abstract: Vocational colleges are regarded as a force to provide services for promoting the local economic development. It is argued that vocational colleges must aim at strengthening their ties with local enterprises through participation of developing training courses and  satisfying enterprise's  needs in order to raise their abilities in maintaining quality assurance. However, there are some uncertainties that concern the success of the cooperation and need to be settled by timetaking to achieve winwin goals.
Key words:higher vocational education; training; schoolenterprise cooperation; quality; thought
丁霁明1,2,  王家庆1
(1.安徽师范大学 物理与电子信息学院,安徽 芜湖  241000; 2.安徽机电职业技术学院,安徽 芜湖  241000)
摘  要:随着信息技术与课程整合在高校的深入开展,教学过程受到进一步的关注,文章根据灰色理论中的灰关联度数学模型,研究了教学过程的评价,建立了信息技术课程整合的教学过程评价指标体系,并根据层次分析法,确立了评价指标的权重;根据灰关联理论,对信息技术与课程整合的教学过程进行了评价。
Abstract:With the development of integrating information technology into curricular in university, instruction process is concerned, Instruction Process Evaluation are researched based on grey theory in the paper, And the model of grey association degree is given. The evaluation index system and the weight are established, according to level analysis, and Instruction Process on Integrating Information Technology into Curricular is evaluated based on grey association theory.
Key words: Information Technology with Curricular; grey association degree; evaluation
尹  斌
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥  230051)
摘  要:当前高职院校的高等数学教学强调把信息技术和高等数学课程相结合,利用多媒体课件图文并茂、声像俱佳、动静相兼的强大功能进行教学,能在一定程度上增强学生的学习能力和兴趣。文章对多媒体课件辅助高等数学教学进行了有益的探讨,并提出了相应的观点和建议。
关键词:信息技术; 图文并茂; 电子黑板; 多媒体课件
Astract:It is emphasized to combine information technology with higher mathematics in the teaching of higher mathematics in higher vocational colleges at present.The multimedia class——an electron blackboard——is one of the modern education technologies. It strengthens students′ learning abilities  and  their  interest in the certain degree via its abundant, good sound and image, and the combination of the astir and quite function. This article mainly elaborates the superiority of the multimedia  courseware which assists the higher mathematics curriculum.
Key words:information technology; excellent in both pictures and texts; electronic blackboard;  multimedia course ware
万保礼,  王超群
(合肥工业大学 理学院,安徽 合肥  230009)
摘  要:文章阐述了在新知识经济时代,工程技术人才所需要具备的科学素养,指出了物理学在培养工程技术人才中所处的基础性地位;并重点论述了物理学基础课程教学在培养工科人才的思维能力、创新精神、情商和审美能力中所起的重要作用。
关键词:物理基础课程; 工程技术人才; 培养; 作用
Abstract:The paper elalorates the scientific qualities and characteristics the talented persons should have in the new knowledgebased economy, how universities and colleges establish curriculum system in accordance with this feature, and points out that physics is the basis in the cultivation of engineers and technicians. It discusses the importance of the teaching of physics in the cultivation of thinking abilities and innovative spirit, EQ and aesthetic abilities of the talented persons.
Key words:basic physics; talented engineers and technicians; cultivation; function
(保山师范高等专科学院 英语系,云南 保山  678000)
摘  要:在中国课堂进行英语教学的过程中势必受到母语的影响,如果仅靠教师在教学过程中的纠正是不够的,因此有必要在英语教学中采用合作学习模式,从而使学生之间通过互动交流,起到相互校正,相互影响的作用,进一步体现英语教学的交际性,实现语言教学交际的目的。通过在英语专业中合作学习模式的采用,同学们一致认为自己在合作过程中感到随意,并能抓住机会进行交流,使自己在各方面得到很大进步,但仍然存在一些问题值得引起教师在教学过程中的注意。
Abstract:It is inevitable for English to get influenced by the mother tongue in the learning process in the classroom. It is not enough to  depend on the correction by the teacher in the class. So it is necessary to take cooperative learning in English teaching, which can promote the communication and interaction among the students to correct  mistakes  that they have got in the learning process and to fulfill the communicative aims. Though it shows that it is effective to take cooperative learning models, which make them feel easy and get every chance to communicate with others, there are still some  existing problems which should be emphasized in the teaching process for the teachers.
Key words:interlanguage; anxiety; cooperative learning; cooperative model;  intercommunication; problems
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